V Knits

My name is Venus. I knit as much as possible, while juggling work and various other activities. Currently, my yarn sprees hinder my ability to save up for trips and other important things. But I'm not apologizing.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Don't mess with me

Ah, another weekend filled with trials and tribulations. I have finished the back and both front pieces of my fella's sweater, and one sleeve. I am lovin' the skull. Lovin' it. I tell you what, if he doesn't want it I'll wear it. I do have to make some adjustments to the sleeve because it is kind of baggy.

You see this face? This is what I look like when I stand over a freakin' hot stove on a freakin' hot day to make watermelon preserve (which by the way required 4 lbs of watermelon) to make four 1 cup jars of the most vile stuff I have ever made or tasted. Bleh! Never again. No. I am thinking of trying a cherry preserve or cherry jam. That seems a bit more promising than stupid watermelon. We'll see.


Blogger Erin said...

I'm quite sure I'd have that face too! The skull and cross bones turned out aweseome by the way! Definitely wear it if he doesn't (though I have a sneaking suspicion he won't let you!)

6/28/2006 9:47 a.m.  
Blogger Angela said...

Blackberry jelly is the only thing I'll stand over a hot stove for in the summer. SOooo worth it though.

7/13/2006 9:43 a.m.  

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