Well, May is soon ending and I only have one sock almost done. Humph. I don't know that I will have the pair done for the end of May because I can't decide how I want to finish them off at the cuff. I took the 'leaf vein instertion' from Nicky Epstein's
Knitting On The Edge and decided on making the socks shorties for summer weather. But now finishing it off is proving to be difficult. Anyway, here is what I have so far, being shown off with my beaut of a guitar. (Notice I finally have my camera back! Woo-hoo!)

This weekend is going to be an eventful one. Completely not yarn/knitting related, but fun nonetheless. Yesterday the BF and I went to the (sold out!)
Sam Roberts Band Concert. They were awesome. And I wasn't expecting much of the opener,
Ben Lee but he was great too. The girl he was touring with,
Lara Meyerratken, also great. (She tried to call me up on stage but the bouncer wasn't allowed to let me up.) And tonight. TONIGHT! We are going to a sold out show to see the
Tragically Hip. Some say you are not really Canadian if you don't have a place in your heart for the
Hip. I've wanted to see them for a long time and the fact that they are playing such a smaller-than-usual venue makes me feel lucky to be going. Okay, I have to go now and get pumped up for tonight!
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