Pomatomus Progress

Yay! One sock done, one sock to go! I'm feeling really good about these socks. And I know who they are going to now. A co-worker that also knits alpaca socks! It's perfect. I can't wait to finish them now. I find that with this pattern, there is no muss or fuss and it knits pretty fast. Right now I am alternating between burning through these and reading White Oleander. Even though I should be knitting other pre-Pomatomus promised things. Sometimes one project will take a hold of you and you just can't stop. The up side is that they will be quick!

Last week I also pulled out my lovely brown alpaca fleece that I purchased in Montville, QLD and gave it a try on the drop spindle. It went okay but I am seriously pining for a decent spindle. I can't stand the homemade ones I have and I won't even show you what they look like. I only want a drop spindle from Golding like the one that Caitlyn at Knot Without My knitting got for X-mas. But for now I am dutifully saving my money *sigh* so it will have to wait!
The sock looks fantastic!
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