I've been jammin'
Since I am still pretty new to Vancouver, I have yet to experience all of the seasons. But I finally got the chance to go out and pick blackberries along the traintracks and whipped up a batch of peach-blackberry jam. (The recipe was courtesy of one of my lovely co-workers)

The Boyfriend was a bit skeptial about the whole idea until he had a sample. It looks like I will have to make a batch for him and him only. Otherwise there will be tears and bloodshed come Christmas.
The picture on the top here is one of the last steps to the cinnamom-pear jam. The jars full of jam are being boiled so that when they cool they suck in air and the lids go *pop*. That is one of the best sounds ever.

I loved making the first batch so much that I went ahead and made another batch. This time a cinnamon-pear jam. I recieved this jam for Christmas last year and I love it!
Okay, now for some knitting. (I would have made a damn fine housewife!) These aren't the best pictures but I think you'll get the idea.

So that is the back piece done of my sister's mini sweater. I am debating on whether I should stitch over the design to bring it out more. I don't know if that will help. Next time I know to make the designs further apart from eachother and maybe not so thin.
And on other news, I have purchased my plane ticket to Australia! I can't wait. I have a friend there that I haven't seen in over two years. I got a sweet deal on the flight too. The countdown to October 3rd has begun. It's a good thing I have the upcoming Oasis concert to keep my mind occupied for a little while.
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